Finsif in brief

Finsif provides a meeting place for organizations in sustainable investing and shares newest up-to-date information

Finnish investors are the forerunners in sustainable investing

Finsif roots back to 2010 when it was established by 18 founding members. Up to date, Finsif has grown steadily having almost 100 member organizations. The members are varying from smaller players (around 10 million euros of assets under management) to grand league (up to over 1000 billion euros of assets under management). About half of the members are asset managers, the second largest group is investors and the smallest group of members is service providers. The recognition of sustainable investment related issues has grown fast and this can be noted in our everyday work- the shift from defining  responsible investing, or explaining the related terminology, is no longer the focus of our work. Instead, more tools, phenomena and perspectives are needed to be shared. Moreover, Finsif is seen as a “neutral” platform where to exchange ideas and is wanted for meeting others on the “common grounds”. Finsif brings up new insight but does not stand for any specific ways how the members should put the views and tools into practice.

Finsif organizes events, collaborates with researchers and communicates the agenda for investors and related groups in Finland. The goal is to encourage members to integrate sustainable investment issues as a part of investment decision-making and evaluation processes.

In terms of sharing the knowledge amongst its members and broader audience, Finsif engages NGO´s and other stakeholders (FIBS Corporate Responsibility Network, Sitra, Finance Finland etc.) as speakers, bloggers, in meetings etc.

Board of Directors

The work of the organization is lead by a yearly selected board of members and one employee. In addition, some active members are sharing their knowledge and helping with projects. The board meets once a month and works is done pro-bono.

Read more about board members »

Scandinavian and European networking

Finsif is part of Nordic Sustainable Investment Forum (NordicSIF) -collaboration (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden). NordicSIF board members, chairpersons and other SIF contact points exchange and share knowledge on responsible investing through online meetings and annually at the NordicSIF event. The event is open to all Finsif members as well as to members of any other NordicSIF organization.  The next NordicSIF event will be held in Norway (12.6.2024). (Previously held in Denmark 2023,  Iceland 2022, Finland 2020 (online), Sweden 2019, Norway 2018, Denmark 2017 and Finland 2016.)

Finsif joined Eurosif officially in November 2022. Finsif is following the European discussion on responsible investing and learning best practices from outher European SIFs. Finsif encourages its members to take active role in the variety of working groups that Eurosif has to offer.