Welcome new Finsif board, goodbye our divine bunch of old board members and chair
Thank you Marja Karttunen, Sitra, from your incredibly committed work as a chair- Finsif took giant steps forward under your “command”. For Emilia Vähämaa, Hanken, Mikael Fast, Impact Cubed and Hanna Kaskela, Varma, we are grateful for your devotion and professional insight that you shared in the board but also in different working groups and events.
Finsif continues bringing people around responsible investment together -members and various stakeholders from academics to NGO´s for making the road to more sustainable globe forward. This year, topics such as biodiversity, regulation and policies, human rights and discussion around data among other hot RI issues will be on the table. We are finding ways to bond with young people, the new generation to accelerate new ideas. Finsif continues producing events in monthly bases and collaborates e.g. with the leading corporate responsibility network FIBS. Next to national level, Finsif deepens international relations by Eurosif membership and taking Nordic voice to European discussion and participating in working groups such as Public Policy Group (PPG). In addition, NordicSIF collaboration continues and the next meeting will be held in Copenhagen 8-9.6.2023 (2022 NordicSIF meeting was held in Reykjavik). All Finsif, Dansif, Icelandsif, Norsif and Swesif members are welcome to join the meeting.
Finsif launched new webpages at the end of 2022 and welcomes all to discover our studies and publications, new source of legislation and regulation process, events and blogs that deliver up to date information on responsible investing. Members have also an access to our member site that includes e.g. recordings and material from our events. Finsif continues to support research and studies on responsible investing by grants and is part of organizing Kestävyysraportointikilpailu (sustainable reporting competition). READ MORE on our plans for 2023 from our Toimintasuunnitelma 2023.
New board taking responsible investing forward
Since beginning of 2023, Finsif has a new top skilled board. “Various perspectives and ample knowledge are assets, adding extra value, taking responsible investing forward in Finland”, notes Jari Pussinen, the chair of the nomination committee. “Member categories (asset managers, asset owners and service providers), professional backgrounds- diversity in general, is taken into account in forming the new board, as well as Finsif´s guideline for good governance and the rules of Finsif. The selected board members have shown proactivity in participating in Finsif´s work and/or being active players on the field.
Finsif´s board consists of eight members and half of the seats were given to new faces this year. The board was proposed buy a nomination committee chaired by Jari Pussinen, CEO at Tradeka-Invest Ltd, a member of Finsif. The proposal was approved by Finsif members at the autumn meeting held on the 14th of December 2022.

The chair of the board is Merja Kivelä (vice-chair in 2021) who is capital markets and sustainability expert, partner at Castrén & Snellman and a board member of Climate Leadership Coalition. Markus Lindqvist, Aktia Bank’s director of sustainability, takes vice-chair´s seat after being a board member since 2020. Anna-Stina Wiklund, Sustainability Manager at Ålandsbanken Fund Management, has been one of Finsif´s main contact points to Nordics and Europe, continuing her board position and is the head of Eurosif relations at Finsif. Next to Anna-Stina, Antti Malava is part of the crew starting his second year at Finsif board. Antti has been an active member organizing several events and taking a role as a moderator in several occasions including the Annual Seminar.
Finsif welcomes four new talented and insightful board members to join the team: Karoliina Lindroos, the Head of Responsible Investment at Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Company, Mika Leskinen, CIO at S-Bank, Petra Hakamo, Head of Sustainability at Evli Plc and Teresa Platan, Deputy CIO at the University of Helsinki.
For more information on the Finsif Board 2023 can be found from here.
I wish you insightful 2023 from the behalf of Finsif Board & myself!
Leila Räsänen
Operations Coordinator