CFA Society Finland webinar
Carbon emissions data is critically important to investors’ increasingly important role in helping combat climate change. Vitali Kalesnik et al. from Research Affiliates have produced exciting new research on carbon data and how useful it can be for investors, Green Data or Greenwashing? Do Corporate Carbon Emissions Data Enable Investors to Mitigate Climate Change? Join our webinar to hear more from the authors!
Key Findings in the new research:
As investors strive to help mitigate climate change, they critically depend on carbon emissions data. Absent mandatory reporting, a substantial amount of emissions data are estimated by data providers. Research Affiliates evaluates three types of carbon emissions data from four popular data providers: 1) current reported, 2) current estimated, and 3) forward-looking.
Additional information on the event on CFA Society Finland website, click here.
Keynote: Vitali Kalesnik, partner and senior member of the investment team at Research Affiliates
Guest: Joe Steidl, CFA, FRM, Client Strategies, Senior Vice President, from Research Affiliates
Additional information
Additional information on the event on CFA Society Finland website, click here.
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