
Ladataan Tapahtumat

Eurosif Policy and Capacity Building Webinar

10.10.2024 klo 12:00 - 13:00
  • Tämä tapahtuma on mennyt.

Finsif is a member of Eurosif, the European Sustainable Investment Forum.  Eurossif´s mission is to promote sustainable development through financial markets by supporting financing through private and public capital of investments that make a measurable contribution to the sustainable development goals set by the United Nations, the European Union and other European countries (more information on Eurosif).



The event is open for Finsif members (and other members of Eurosif)


In these session, Finsif´s members (and other members of Eurosif) can expect to get an overview of recent policy and political developments of relevance to sustainable finance and the different EU regulatory and legislative files as well as to develop capacity to engage positively on related issues. Questions can be asked via the dedicated chat during the webinar and will be answered live by the Eurosif Policy team.

Online- the link to access the event is sent to registees.

For more information


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