
Ladataan Tapahtumat

Finsif Meet & Mingle -CASE Diversity & Sustainable Practices

10.4.2024 klo 8:30 - 10:00
  • Tämä tapahtuma on mennyt.

We invite you to a special Meet & Mingle event focused on the vital roles of diversity and sustainable practices in shaping the future of investments. In today’s ever-changing financial world, bringing together varied perspectives and a commitment to sustainability is key to creating successful investment strategies that not only provide financial gains but also contribute positively to the environment, society, and governance standards. This event offers a unique chance for responsible investors to discuss how having diverse teams can improve decision-making and results, identify the challenges of incorporating diversity and sustainability into their investment approaches, and learn how to navigate these challenges effectively. Join us to share your experiences, learn from peers, and perhaps even challenge your current strategies.


The event is  open for Finsif members and is held in English



Good morning! Getting a cup of coffee and breakfast

CASE-Sustainable Investing & Diversity
Kinga Stanislawska, Founder, European Women in VC and Co-Founder, LUMI Partners
Interviewed by Markus Lindqvist, Chairperson of the Board, Finsif

Chatting and meeting people

10:00          Back to work



Porkkalankatu 1, 00180 Helsinki (Suomen Teollisuussijoitus  Oy)

For more information

Leila Räsänen
operations coordinator

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