
Ladataan Tapahtumat

NordicSIF 2024

12.6.2024 klo 9:00 - 22:00
  • Tämä tapahtuma on mennyt.

The NordicSIF 2024 Conference takes a closer look at the challenges and opportunities we face during the transition to a net-zero economy as well as the hard dilemmas that investors, asset managers, and lenders will face aligning with the transition.

The purpose of this meeting is to share ideas and thoughts among responsible Nordic investors and to find joint solutions for existing challenges.

Topics will include sustainable investments in a global perspective, the role of the financial services industry in the transition, the energy transition – moving from fossil fuels to a future based on renewable energy, and the opportunities, the new green industries and the solutions we need to succeed.

The event is open for the members of Finsif, Swesif, Norsif, Icelandsif and Dansif.

More information

Please visit the Norsif event page and see the schedule.


Oslo, Norway

More information for Finsif members

Leila Räsänen
Operations Coordinator

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