
Ladataan Tapahtumat

Key takeaways from PRI in Person 2024, Toronto

24.10.2024 klo 10:00 - 11:00
  • Tämä tapahtuma on mennyt.

What was the outcome of PRI in Person 2024, gathering 1000 + participants to Toronto? What were the main topics and messages around responsible investment globally? Were there differences or focus areas in geographical context?

By joining this ONLINE event you will have access to the front seat in hearing about the experience in a nutshell. Two Finsif members will be giving insight as members of the audience. PRI presented by Marika Brewitz summarises the event and gives concrete examples on how PRI is engaging the financial industry by giving added value to responsible investors, guided by its new strategy.

This ONLINE event is open to Finsif members. We  also encourage those who were present at the event to join and share their experiences as well. There will be room for discussion and for exchanging ideas.





Petra Hakamo, Head of Sustainability Evli Plc & Board member Finsif

PRI in Person 2024- briefing the event and highlighting the new PRI strategy
Marika Brewitz, Senior Responsible Investment Manager, Nordics and CEE & CIS, PRI

Key takeaways – views from the PRI in Person 2024 audience reflected by:
Eeva Toivonen, ESG Manager, Aktia
Petra Hakamo, Head of Sustainability Evli Plc & Board member Finsif


Closing Remarks

For more information

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