
Ladataan Tapahtumat

Rising tensions: the new reality for sustainable investing in 2025

23.4. klo 8:30 - 11:00

The first five years of the 2020s has proven to be turbulent. From COVID19 to military aggression in Europe to drastic changes in the US administration, the world seems to be moving from crisis to crisis. How can we expect shifts in geopolitical power to change our operating environment? How can we focus on long-term sustainability in a world peppered with short-term crisis? What are the implications for sustainable investing in such a world?

In this event we will hear from three expert speakers to set the scene with their perspectives and discuss together to unpack these challenging questions.

The event is open to Finsif members.


Sitra, Itämerenkatu 11-13, 00180 Helsinki

For more information


Registration and morning coffee


Welcome Jarrod Luxton, Senior Lead, Nature & Economy,  Sitra, Member of the Board, Finsif

Transformation of the security environment
Otto Tähkäpää, Foresight Specialist, Sitra

Is ESG dead?
Matt Christensen, Global Head of Sustainable & Impact Investing, Allianz Global Investors, Member of the Board  Eurosif


11.00 Closing the event

Finsif reserves the right to make changes to the event information.

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