
Ladataan Tapahtumat

Sustainable Finance: Mobilizing capital through regulation and private sector

3.6.2019 klo 8:15 - 12:00
  • Tämä tapahtuma on mennyt.

The event will address the following topical themes with keynotes and panel discussions with a wide range of experts representing key stakeholders from the private and public sectors:

EU launched its sustainable finance roadmap in March 2018 to facilitate private investments to close the estimated annual €180 billion gap of additional investments needed to meet the EU’s climate targets. In March 2019, the sustainability related disclosure regulation for financial services sector reached a trialogue agreement and further legislative negotiations are in the agenda during Finland’s Presidency of the Council of the EU. What regulations are in the process and will they achieve the intended consequences.

The first green bond was issued just over a decade ago and the market has developed globally on a self-regulated basis reaching close to USD 180 billion issuance in 2018. EU Commission’s Technical Expert Group on Sustainable Finance (TEG) is expected to finalize its ground breaking work during summer and for example set definitions for sustainable economic activities from climate change mitigation and adaptation perspective and create EU standards for green bond issuance.

Open to all Finsif and CFA members, and WCEF 2019 registrants.
The registration is closed. Please contact info@finsif.fi

Musiikkitalo, Klubi Ravintola
Entrance @ Kansalaistori 2G or via main entrance, Musiikkitalo, Mannerheimintie 13 A, Helsinki 00100, Finland

For more information
Leila Räsänen, Finsif
toiminnan koordinaattori, coordinator


Registration and  Buffet Breakfast

Jukka Honkaniemi, Vice chairperson, Finsif
Miia Hukari, President, CFA Society Finland

Keynote, Sustainable Finance is the Game Changer
Sirpa Pietikäinen, Member of European Parliament

Panel 1: Sustainable Finance regulation: force for good or added costs

Leena Mörttinen
, Director General,Financial Markets Department, Ministry of  Finance
Esko Kivisaari, Deputy MD, Finance Finland
Eleni Choidas, Senior EU Affairs Officer, Share Action
Mikko Sinersalo, Risk Specialist, Financial Supervisory Authority
Sirpa Pietikäinen, Member of European Parliament

EU Green bond standards, Aila Aho, Executive advisor, Nordea, Green Bond working group rapporteur,  Sustainable Finance TEG

Panel 2: Standardizing green bonds:
capturing benefits and addressing pitfalls of market  driven innovation

Aila Aho
, Executive advisor, Sustainability, Nordea
Luca De Lorenzo, Head of Sustainability & Mandate, Nordic Investment Bank
Raija-Leena Ojanen, Legal Advisor, WWF
Ann Brännback, Senior Portfolio Manager, Varma

11:45 Closing

Panel sessions- moderated by
Peter Lindström, Demos Helsinki and Jukka Honkaniemi, Finsif

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