This year Finsif brings up the ultimately most interesting point in RI- what is the link to risks and return? The afternoon is packed with fresh angles varying from investor to research perspectives. Briefly, the event seeks answers to the following questions:
ESG data..
–..where does it come from?
– to understand it?
– to work with it as a responsible investor?
In addition to risk and return perspective, Finsif will be publishing the results of our surveys: what is the current state of responsible investment practices in Finland and how RI issues are integrated in university studies?
13:30 Registration and Coffee
14:00 Welcome – Moderator Antti Savilaakso, Partner, Auriel Capital Limited
Key Findings Sustainable Investment in University Studies and RI Market Survey
Outi Kalpio, Chairman of the Board, Finsif
Why we are here? Antti Savilaakso
Investors as drivers of change – Jean Rogers, Founder and Chair of The Board, Sustainability Accounting Standards Board, Matthew Welch, President, The SASB Foundation – video
Customisation of ESG investing via a financial data science laboratory, Andreas Hoepner, Associate Professor of Finance, Director of Enterprise, ICMA Centre, Pierin Menzli, Head Sustainable Investment Research, Bank J. Safra Sarasin
ESG integration in traditional investments – Evolution and best practices in generating alpha, Lucas van Berkestijn, SI Client Specialist – Executive Director, RobecoSAM
Panel discussion Hoepner, Menzli, van Berkestijn and Mikael Niskala, Mitopro
16:00 Sparkling wine and mingling
Presentations can be viewed here.
The event is held at the heart of Helsinki city center, Restaurant Pörssi (Pörssitalo)
Fabianinkatu 14
”Sustainable Investment University Studies- Where we are” is available here. (English brief will be published soon)
More information – Leila Räsänen, Finsif,, 044 5966 302