The webinar explores the topic of How to integrate child rights into investing, specifically looking at why and how child rights should be integrated into investment decision-making. Deep dive into the tech sector and to the investor lens; exploring concrete examples of how investors work with child rights today.
Key questions to be answered
The event is created in NordicSIF collaboration with Dansif, IcelandSIF, Norsif, Swesif and Finsif.
Online only. The link to the event is sent to registees.
14.30 EET
Welcome – Petra Hakamo, Head of Sustainability Evli Plc, Finsif Board member (MODERATOR)
Child rights and investing, Tool for Investors
Outi Kauppinen, Senior Advisor, Account Manager Corporate Collaboration, UNICEF Finland
Childrens’ rights in IT and tech benchmark
Matt Goodwin, Head of Sustainable Investing, Global Child Forum
Panel on concrete ways to integrate child rights into investment strategy- moderated by Petra Hakamo
Caroline Klaeth Eriksen, Head of Social Initiatives Corporate Governance, Norges Bank Investment Management
Tytti Kaasinen, Engagement Director, Council on Ethics for the Swedish National Pension Funds
Q&A for Speakers
Closing remarks, Petra Hakamo
For more information
Leila Räsänen
Operations Coordinator
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